Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well folks, I now officially have letters after my name. No, I did not complete my doctorate in Nuclear Physics, and no, Yale did not award me an honorary law degree. No, I actually did something that I felt would be a valuable and rewarding experience. I enrolled in and completed the necessary course to receive the SRES designation. The SRES acronym stands for "Seniors Real Estate Specialist". It means that I specialize in dealing with the real estate concerns of those over 55. Baby Boomers welcome!!! Now, I also am able and well versed in dealing with the concerns of first time buyers, those moving up or down the property ladder, and all other forms of residential resale real estate. If you are around my age, 47, you are aware that the opportunity to put away a nest egg for retirement is shrinking daily. Those over 55 face many concerns that were somewhat taken for granted over the past few decades. Concerns over pension plans for example. I would be happy to sit down and discuss how your real estate holdings look, and what your future plans are in this regard. I also am looking to make some strategic alliances with those specializing in areas of concern for 55 plussers besides just their real estate needs. All in all, interesting days lay ahead. I truly look forward to providing a necessary service to this segment of the Niagara community. I possess a few silver hairs, and some creaky joints as well. Let's share some memories as we build new ones.

New Web Site!

My web guy, Anton van Hooydonk, and I have revamped my website, . Check it out and let me know what you think. As with Real Estate, feedback is always appreciated. I now hope to dedicate some time to keep this blog up-to-date as well. This spring has been quite busy, despite the doom and gloom you may hear on the news. I currently have 7 active listings, for which I am thankful. The May newsletter is being finalized, and will be mailed out next week. If you are interested in receiving it, just send me an email, and I will gladly add you to my contact list. More updates to come. Enjoy the great spring weather!!