I received some rather distressing news a couple weeks back. The Christian Real Estate Network (CREN) that I had been a member of for the last 3 years has had to close it's doors. Though there were apparently a number of issues, the main one was disturbing. They were, for all intents and purposes, attacked by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), claiming that since it was a Christian Realtor to Christian Realtor referral network, with membership requirements that included a statement of faith, non-Christians and their rights were being trampled. These accusations have been dogging the network since 2007. Incredible that a government agency, during the Bush administration, no less, would decide that Christians referring Christian clients to other Christians is illegal. Unfortunately, this potentially valuable Christian tool has been eliminated.
Now for the good news. I'm sure that most of you have heard the saying, "when one door closes, another opens." Well, the Lord has indeed opened another door for us. I searched the internet, and found the Exodus Real Estate Network, and they too have been providing referral services for Christians looking to use a Christian Realtor. Through this organization, I discovered that a group of Christian Realtors was meeting quarterly in Oakville, sharing fellowship, prayer, success stories, challenges, and friendship. Today I attended my first of what I hope will be many meetings, and was blessed to be amongst fellow believers who share my love for the Real Estate profession, but more importantly, acknowledge the Triune God, and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The founders of the Exodus Network were there as guest speakers, and I was also encouraged to meet them and hear first hand their story, their goals for the network, and that I can find in their organization a place to share my love for the Lord, and the ups and downs of real estate. What it all shows me, once again, is the power of prayer. I ask that you pray for both the members and leaders of the Christian Real Estate Network, and their ongoing fight, as well as the Exodus Network. I am sure that challenges await them (us?) as well.